PERUSAL IN THE SHADE OF AN OLD TREE eTwinning Project Working Plan

PERUSAL IN THE SHADE OF AN OLD TREE eTwinning Project Working Plan

PERUSAL IN THE SHADE OF AN OLD TREE eTwinning Project Working Plan

22.04.2021 295

PERUSAL IN THE SHADE OF AN OLD TREE eTwinning Project Working Plan


Project Name


"Perusal In The Shade Of An Old Tree"



About Project


This is an international project aiming to learn the olive tree in a multidisciplinary approach including biology, ecology, economy, as well as exploring literary, philosophic, and symbolic meanings in history. The main point, as learning a tree species, in the topic of the project is highlighting the importance of preserving and cultivating natural environment in times of facing the dramatic climate change as humans. Raising awareness among young people on the issue of deforestation, learning the olive tree in both biological, economic, and ecological terms reinforced with socio-cultural understanding is expected to draw their attention in ecological issues the world is facing.



Objectives of The Project


We aim the pupils
-to gain awareness on ecological problems and climate change of our planet.
-to understand the reasons of climate change on the basis of trees and forests.
-to gain nature connectedness and environmentalist attitude as a responsible citizen.
-to learn detailed knowledge about olive trees and understand their benefits to the ecology and humans.
-to learn to plant a tree and take care of it.
-to acquire 21. c. skills such as digital, foreign language, critical thinking, teamwork, collaboration and cooperation skills.
-to learn e-safety, netiquette and copyright rules.
-to learn and respect other cultures.
-to gain awareness on global citizenship and acquire global citizenship values.



Work Process


The project is expected to last for one educational year. Firstly partners will introduce themselves and their living places, then teachers will educate pupils on project rules and web2.0 tools use. Different aspects of the olive tree in a multidisciplinary way will be researched by pupils from all schools. The data will be collected and documented in various web2.0 tools for the self expression of the pupils. Project logo, slogan poster, etc. will be collaboratively designed and will be chosen in a democratic way by voting on the digital platform. The research done by pupils will be exhibited in e-book, website, videos, slides, etc. Evaluation will be done to have a general idea how the objectives have been met by the activities. Impressions of the stakeholders will be expressed on a digital board or other web2.0 tools.



Expected results


At the end of the project, a mutual understanding and sensitivity on the ecological problems among pupils as responsible citizens of the future, is expected to be achieved.

Planned results will be;
-an e-book
-a website
-a blog
-social media accounts
-web2.0 design products of the projects
-literary works
-artistic works like hand drawn pictures or designs

Project Duration

01.009.2020 – 30.05.2021


Project Partner Countries

Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Romania, Croatia and Turkey


Number of Students and Teachers

6 Countries, 21 teachers, 180 students


Project Activities




Developing the plan




Getting ready to set off




Introduction eco Threapy in corona times





Olea Europaea Tree of Civilization





My Home Challange

Olive Sapling Growing

Masterpieces of Art Reproduction Challange




My Project Journal Book




Virtual Gallery




Planting Home Grown Saplings Outside Ceremony



